Salt baked chicken 盐焗鸡. Salt-baked Chicken or Yan Ju Ji (盐焗鸡) is one of the most popular chicken dishes served as an entree in Chinese restaurants. Traditionally, the cooks bury the chicken in a pit of hot salt and rocks. The salt absorbs the heat and transfers it to the chicken, The result is aromatic, lightly browned and juicy. 冰箱里有一只鸡,走地鸡,值得认真地高逼格的吃掉它。Eileen 的Chinese Cooking里有一个方子,很传统的手法,可以操作一番。我有一只铸铁锅,想好好发挥锅的特性,习惯的去搜索"铸铁锅 盐焗鸡",看看有什么好的… Salt Baked Chicken is the most tender, most flavorful, most savory chicken you will ever taste in your life.
Slowly, the chickens are transformed by the salt which permeates them, tenderizing the flesh, while the juices and fats are retained.
Moist and tender, this Salt Baked Chicken recipe brings out the best of fresh chicken meat!
For people who love to eat Salt Baked Chicken!
You can have Salt baked chicken 盐焗鸡 using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Salt baked chicken 盐焗鸡
- You need 1 of slow growing breed chicken.
- You need 1 Tsp of sea salt.
- Prepare 1 tsp of Sichuan pepper, optional.
- Prepare 1 of anise star.
Traditional salt baked free-range chicken 古法炮制是餐厅一大特色,在三号黄浦会,你可以见到古法烹饪的盐焗鸡。 无论味觉还是视觉都是极大的享受! TypicalFlavors:spicy,sour sour,garlic-flavored,fish-sauce-flavored,etc. famoussichuan dishes: stir-friedSpicy Carp,红烧鲤鱼 Twice-cookedpork Slice,回锅肉 Mapo beancurd,麻婆豆腐 chongqingHotpot,重庆火锅 BeanNoodles SpicySauce,川辣凉粉 stir-fried Spicy Carp红烧鲤鱼 Twice-cooked pork Slice回锅肉 Ma po beancurd麻婆豆腐. Both kinds of salt-baked chicken wings indicated dif erences in the kinds and amounts of volatile flavor compounds.
Salt baked chicken 盐焗鸡 step by step
- Disect a chicken ~4lb into 8 pieces. Set aside chicken bones for stock later..
- Massage 1 Tsp into the chicken and set aside for 20 minutes..
- Bake at 375F for 30 minutes and drain the liquid into a separate bowl. Turn each piece and bake for a second 30 minutes..
- Drain the liquid and continue to bake for another 20-30 minutes until chicken is semi-dry. It's great to use the chicken in any other dish such as soup or stirfry once it chill down. If enjoy it immediately, please serve with rice or breads because it is saltier than a regular dish..