Nutella Blondies. Salted Nutella blondies uses a chewy blondie recipe with the addition of Nutella and a sprinkle of sea salt on top. This Nutella Blondies recipe is an easy, yet delicious dessert. The perfect dessert to share at parties and holidays like Easter.
We're finishing our month of chocolate desserts with an insanely delicious one from Monique of Ambitious Kitchen.
Rich chocolate chip cookie dough, gooey Nutella and sea.
Nutella-Swirled Peanut Butter Chip Blondies - Easy one-bowl, no mixer recipe that's loaded with peanut butter chips and Nutella!
You can cook Nutella Blondies using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Nutella Blondies
- It's 200 g of Kuvertüre, weiß.
- Prepare 150 g of Butter.
- You need 150 g of Zucker.
- You need 200 g of Mehl.
- It's 3 of Eier.
- It's 1 TL of Vanillepaste.
- Prepare einige EL of Nutella.
Learn how to make Nutella-Swirl Blondies. Then this Nutella Blondies recipe will be your new favorite dish! Not only does this dish taste so much like Nutella, it also has a rich flavorful tast that sets it apart from all other Nutella recipes. I think this may just be the holy grail of Nutella Blondies I've ever made or tried in my lifetime…I swear.
Nutella Blondies instructions
- Kuvertüre hacken und zusammen mit der Butter bei niedriger Temperatur vorsichtig schmelzen; zur Seite nehmen und Zucker unterrühren..
- Eier einzeln, zügig und gründlich untermischen; Vanillepaste unterrühren..
- Mehl hinzugeben und alles zu einem glatten Teig verquirlen..
- Die Hälfte des Teiges in eine ca. 25x25cm große Form füllen und ein paar Kleckse Nutella darauf verteilen, mit einer Gabel leicht durchmischen..
- Den Rest des Teiges vorsichtig darauf verteilen; wieder etwas Nutella darauf verteilen und dieses nun mit einem Messer einarbeiten. Dazu einfach Linien durch den Teig ziehen..
- Ca. 25 Min. bei 175°C Ober-/Unterhitze backen..
Fudgy, melt-in-your-mouth Salted Caramel Blondies…stuffed with Nutella. Soft, buttery Nutella blondies made with a chewy cookie base and plenty of rich Nutella swirls! These are easy to make and everyone loves them! This nutella chickpea blondies recipe is SO good! Dollop the Nutella over the surface of the batter, and swirl the tip of a knife in the Nutella to get a pretty, freestyle The blondies will collapse slightly once they come out of the oven, and will harden into.