Flammkuchen. Flammekueche (Alsatian), Flammkuchen (German lit. "flame cake") or tarte flambée (French) is a speciality of the historic regions of Alsace, Saarland. Its German name, Flammkuchen (sometimes Flammekueche), translates to precisely the same - flamme=flame and kuchen=tart. The two names are used interchangeably given the history, shared.
Flammkuchen (pronounced flam-KOOK-en) comes from South Germany and the Alsace region of Translated 'flame cake,' flammkuchen were originally used by bakers to test the temperature of their.
My friend Felix from Munich frequently impresses guests with his delicious Flammkuchen, a type of.
A Flammkuchen crust is quite thin, like a pizza neapolitana.
You can have Flammkuchen using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.
Ingredients of Flammkuchen
- It's 200 g of Mehl Typ 405.
- It's 100 g of Wasser.
- It's 1 EL of Öl.
- You need 1 TL of Salz.
- You need 1 Prise of Zucker.
- Prepare 100 g of Gouda.
- It's 1 Becher of Creme fraiche.
- Prepare 100 g of Schinkenwürfel.
- Prepare 1-2 of Zwiebeln.
Last week i drove through Flammkuchen-country. From Basel through the Elsass over the Vosges and on to Brussels. This is a special recipe and it's just for you. You can try to share it, but this flammkuchen is so small that you'll end up hungry.
Flammkuchen step by step
- Backofen auf 250 Grad Ober-/Unterhitze vorheizen..
- Mehl, Wasser, Öl, Salz und Zucker zu einem Teig kneten..
- Teig ausrollen auf einem Blech oder Stein, mit Creme fraiche bestreichen..
- Schinkenwürfel, Zwiebeln in Ringen, Gouda geraspelt darauf verteilen..
- Ca. 20 Minuten knusprig backen auf unterster Schiene. Guten Appetit! 😋.
Call it what you want, Flammkuchen, German Pizza, Tarte Flambée or French Pizza. The original Flammkuchen is the one with just French cream cheese, thinly sliced onion and bacon. In Berlijn heb ik de aller lekkerste flammkuchen ooit gegeten! Dit lekkere hapje kun je serveren bij de borrel, als lunch of als. Der Flammkuchen ohne Hefe ist einfach in der Zubereitung.