Linguine Aglio e Olio. Aglio e Olio is translated to garlic and olive oil. Which are the two main stars in this dish. They are accompanied by pasta, crushed red pepper, parmesan and a sprinkle of parsley for color.
Linguine Aglio e Olio simply means linguine with garlic and oil.
The shrimp and artichoke hearts add extra flavor to the Linguine Aglio e Olio.
You can also add mussels if you'd like.
You can cook Linguine Aglio e Olio using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that.
Ingredients of Linguine Aglio e Olio
- You need 250 g of Linguine.
- It's 4 of Knoblauchzehen.
- You need 1/4 Bund of Petersilie.
- Prepare 1 of Tomate.
- Prepare 1 EL of Limettensaft.
- You need 50 ml of Olivenöl.
- You need of Salz & Pfeffer.
I didn't have any fresh mussels (members of several families of clams or bivalve mollusks). Today I will show you how to cook Linguine Aglio e Olio (Garlic and Oil) What you will need: Linguine Garlic Olive Oil Basil Hot Peppers Salt. The Linguine Aglio E Olio recipe out of our category fruit-vegetable! Try this Linguine Aglio, Olio E Peperoncino recipe, or contribute your own.
Linguine Aglio e Olio instructions
- In einem großen Topf ca. 2,5 Liter Wasser aufkochen..
- Eine Knoblauchzehe in dünne Scheiben schneiden. Den restlichen Knoblauch & die Petersilie fein hacken. Die Tomate in kleine Würfel schneiden..
- Sobald das Wasser aufkocht, 2 EL Salz & Linguine hinzufügen. Gelegentlich umrühren..
- Währenddessen in einer großen Pfanne 50 ml Olivenöl erhitzen. Darin bei mittlerer Stufe zuerst die Knoblauchscheiben anbraten, nach 30 Sekunden den fein gehackten Knoblauch hinzufügen & kurz anbraten..
- Eine Kelle von dem Nudelwasser & Limettensaft dazugeben & die Herdplatte auf niedrige Stufe stellen. Leicht köcheln lassen..
- Ca. 2 Minuten bevor die Nudeln fertig sind, die Tomaten & die Hälfte der Petersilie zu dem Knoblauch geben, kurz andünsten & mit Salz & Pfeffer würzen..
- Sobald die Pasta al dente sind, abgießen & mit der restlichen Petersilie zu dem Knoblauchöl geben..
- Alles gut verrühren & servieren..
Ive been reading trough the recipe archives in the last few days and found a recipe for aglio, olio e peperoncino pasta. Aglio e Olio with Linguine: This is a simple pasta recipe made with a garlic oil sauce that tastes divine. Spaghetti Aglio e Olio is a traditional Neapolitan dish become a symbol of the Italian cuisine, thanks to its simplicity and deliciousness! This recipe is a poor variation of the classic Linguine with clams and was the only option for who couldn't afford to buy richer ingredients. For the linguine with garlic, oil and peppers recipe, peel the yellow and red peppers with a potato peeler and cut them into small pieces; cut the swe.